8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
2021 MVAS Community Photography
The following photographs were all taken by MVAS photographers in 2021.
Species: Yellow Breasted Chat
Comments: Leasburg Dam State Park
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Cassin's Kingbird
Photographer: CJ Goin
Species: Curve-billed Thrasher
Comment: Home
Photographer: Sara Walker
Species: White-faced Ibis
Photographer: Marcia Corl
Species: Northern Harrier
Comment: At the Bosque
Photographer: Ann-Marie Holmes
Species: Peacock
Comment: Escaped from pen. In Pecan tree in Mesilla
Photographer: Patricia Russell
Species: Pileated woodpecker
Comment: Alberta Canada
Photographer: Norm and Martine Dumont
Species: Northern Harrier
Comment: At the Bosque
Photographer: Ann Marie Holmes
Species: Burrowing Owl
Phtographer: Khandan
Species: Commen Ravens
Comment: Bosque del Apache
PhotographerJudy Lazarus Yellen
Species: Black-capped Chickadee
Comment: At home, on redbud tree
Photographer: Gary Lechliter
Species: Say's Phoebe
Photographer: Gary Lechliter
Species: Western Kingbird
Comment: Mesilla Valley State Park
Photographer: Sara Walker
Species: Gray Flycatcher
Photographer: CJ Goin
Species: Mountain Bluebird
Photographer: Sara Walker
Species: Black-headed Grossbeak
Comment: at feeder at home
Photographer: Beth Waters
Species White-breasted Nuthatch
Photographer: CJ Goin
Species: Western Bluebird
Photographer: Sara Walker
Species: Loggerhead Shrike
Comment: Dripping Springs, by the roadside
Photographer: Sara Walker
Phtographer: Nena and Jim Singleton
Species: Blue Jay
Comment: Seen on Gardner Road
Photographer: Patricia Russell
Photographer: Norm and Martine Dumont
Species: Red-tailed Hawk
Photographer: Marcia Corl
Species: Greater Roadrunner
Photographer: Marcia Corl
Photographer: Nena and Jim Singleton
Species: Lawrence's Goldfinch
Comment: found in small pecan orchard on Crawford road
Photographer: Patricia Russell
Species: Ruddy Ground Dove(female)
Comment: backyard
Photographer: Patricia Russell
Photographer:Norm and Martine Dumont
Photographer: Norm and Martine Dumont
Species: Common Blackhawk
Comment: juvenile
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Great Horned Owl
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Vermillian Flycatcher
Comment: Caballo Dam
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Indigo Bunting
Comment: Dripping Springs
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Painted Bunting
Comment: Leasburg Dam StatePark
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Greater Kiskadee
Comment: Leasburg State Park
Photographer: Khandan
Species: Green Heron
Comment: Rio Bossque Park, El Paso
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Yellow Warbler
Comment: Caballo Lake Park
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Western Tanager
Comment: Caballo Lake Park
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Blue Grossbeak
Comment: Male joins female grossbeak with...
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Bullock's Oriole
Comment: Mesilla Dam
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: European Robin
Comment: Germany, in a park
Phtographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Cactus Wren
Comment: Our Backyard
Photographer: Gary Lechliter
Species: Little Blue Heron
Comment: Lizard in mouth (lunch). Guanabo, Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Western Meadowlark
Comment: Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Gambel's Quail
Comment: Las Cruces
Photographer:Gary Lechliter
Species: Bullock's Oriole
Comment: Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park
Photographer: Gary Lechliter
Species: Little blue heron
Comment: Immature. Guanabo, Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Rufous Hummingbird, adult
Comment: backyard
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellon
Species: Common Raven
Comment: Our House
Photographer: Gary Lechliter
Species: Great Blue Heron and Osprey, overlooking Rio Grande
Comment: Leasburg Dam State Park
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Killdeer
Phtographer: Elena Espinoza
Species: Green Heron
Comment: banks of Rio Almendares Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Epinosa
Species: Little Blue Heron, immature
Comment: Guanabo, Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Killdeer Eggs
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: White-- crowned Pigeon
Comment: Guanabo, Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinoza
Species: Neotropic Cormorant
Comment: Bosque del Apache NWR
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Comment: Leasburg Dam SP
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Glossy Ibis, immature
Comment: Guanabo, Havana, Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Snow Goose
Comment: Carrizozo Lake
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Comment: Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Red-necked Phalarope
Comment: Elephant Butte Lake
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Mountain Bluebird
Comment: Continental Divide trail near Reserve
Photographer: Joel Gilb
Species: Wood Duck, pairs
Comment: Ascarate Park, El Paso
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: West Indian Woodpecker
Comment: Cuba
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: White-breasted Nuthatch
Photographer: Sheryl Fallstead
Species: Pintail
Comment: On ice
Photographer: Elena Espinosa
Species: Hairy Woodpecker
Photographer: Sheryl Fallstead
Species: Loggehead Shrike
Photographer: Judy Lazarus Yellen
Species: Broad-billed hummingbird,juvenile
Comments: At hummingbird feeder 1/10/21. 2 pics of same bird
Photographer: Patricia Russel