8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager

While most images of our avian friends are photographs, some of the most striking presentations come in the form of paintings. Mesilla Valley Audubon Society received a gift from painter Jane Madrid with instructions that we use them to help with fundraising. WOW! Thank you very much, Jane Madrid! We now have 10 bird paintings that are beautiful and available. They are posted on this webpage as we decide how best to distribute them and enhance the MVAS financial situation.
Jane Madrid's artistic bio reads as follows:
Jane H. Madrid, an oil and acrylic painter, studied under numerous renowned certified decorative artist masters from around the country. Jane's major artistic themes center on nature, with a particular emphasis on animals, flowers, birds, butterflies and landscapes, with the interaction of these within the environment. She has lived in Las Cruces since 1959.
In the attached file the paintings are presented for your viewing (link to paintings). At the end is a list of prices suggested by the artist. These paintings will be made available in a silent auction at the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park on January 14, 2023, where they will be on display. Everyone is invited to view the paintings here. On January 14 these paintings will be on display at Mesilla Valley State Park and people attending the Bird Blind Ribbon cutting event may place bids there all day long. After the Gala, bids will be reviewed and the highest ones will lay claim to each painting. We will inform the winners in the days following and deliver the paintings at that time with money transactions taking place then. The reason for this format is that the NM State Parks regulations forbid financial exchanges on park property by organizations like Audubon who are renting space from them.
For a complete schedule of the January 14 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, go to the Activities page.
Sid Webb
11/9/2022 NEW Paintings
Recently, another donor presented MVAS with 4 more paintings. Information about the artists is not available at this time. They will also be made available at the ceremony on January 14 at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park and can be viewed here with the other paintings (see link, above).
Sid Webb