8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager

National Audubon Society
2019. The National Audubon Society (NAS) reasserted its primary interest in conservation with the publication in September 2019: Survival by Degrees: 389 Bird Species on the Brink (www.audubon.org/climate/survivalbydegrees). This article puts Audubon clearly in the position of strongly asserting its longstanding values and demanding action by all of us to do everything we can to address Climate Change. In addition to spelling out the dangers to North American birds, the NAS encourages local action be combined with vigorous public pressure on government agencies from local to national to be sure we are doing all we can to avert the many species extinctions that will confront us as temperatures rise. This is National Audubon Society at its best!
2022: In 2022 National Audubon launched its Migratory Bird Initiative. This is a natural step beyond the Survival by Degrees of 2019, with the organization taking advantage of further studies and developing more advanced strategies to reverse the ongoing bird population loss. The initiative is featured on their updated web page: (www.audubon.org/conservation/migratory-bird-initiative)