8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager
8/25/2021 Bird walks
Bird walks are back! Currently there are not enough designated bird walk leaders for a full schedule and we are still under some COVID restrictions. We are posting what we have on our website Upcoming Events Calendar, which is in this section of the website. We held a ZOOM meeting discussing our need for more leaders and have had encouraging responses. We will have more announcements soon. In the meantime, check out what is on the calendar. We'll keep you posted. Sid Webb, website manager

Audubon Links
New Mexico Audubon State Council
Audubon Southwest
3131 S. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
New Mexico & West Texas Audubon Links
Central New Mexico Audubon Society (Albuquerque)
Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society (Silver City)
Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society (Santa Fe)
Other Birding/Environmental Links Of Interest
American Ornithologists’ Union
Association of Field Ornithologists
Bird Monitoring in North America
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
North American Breeding Bird Survey
North American Rare Bird Alert (NARBA)
National Wildlife Federation nwf.org
American Bird Conservancy abcbirds.org
A Guide to Birdwatching with Binoculars

Roadrunner Ramblings
Newsletter 2024
Newsletter 2023
Government links:
Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
Bosque de Apache National Wildlife Refuge
San Andres National Wildlife Refuge
Conservation/Outdoors Oriented Organizations active in Las Cruces
Southwest Environmental Center
Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter of New Mexico
Friends of Organ Peaks National Monument
Local Birding Articles:
Neighbors Magazine publishes articles of interest to residents of Southern New Mexico. Some of these articles feature topics of interest to local birders, written by local birders. The birding articles have been placed online at LasCruces.com. To view a page with a list of the collected articles and their summaries, click here. The page will direct you to online links to those that you might like to read. It is current as of 3/22/2022.
Newsletter 2022
Newsletter 2019

Ray Bowers, Naturalist and photographer of Dona Ana County
Ray Bowers Photo Album (click on link to open in new page)
Ray Bowers Spring Birds (click on link to download as Power Point)
Audubon Links
New Mexico Audubon State Council
Audubon Southwest
3131 S. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85040
New Mexico & West Texas Audubon Links
Central New Mexico Audubon Society (Albuquerque)
Southwestern New Mexico Audubon Society (Silver City)
Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society (Santa Fe)
Government links:
Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park
Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
Bosque de Apache National Wildlife Refuge
San Andres National Wildlife Refuge
Other Birding/Environmental Links Of Interest
American Ornithologists’ Union
Association of Field Ornithologists
Bird Monitoring in North America
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
North American Breeding Bird Survey
North American Rare Bird Alert (NARBA)
National Wildlife Federation nwf.org
American Bird Conservancy abcbirds.org
A Guide to Birdwatching with Binoculars
Conservation/Outdoors Oriented Organizations active in Las Cruces
Southwest Environmental Center
Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter of New Mexico
Friends of Organ Peaks National Monument

Newsletter 2023
Newsletter 2022
Newsletter 2021
Newsletter 2020
Local Birding Articles:
Neighbors Magazine publishes articles of interest to residents of Southern New Mexico. Some of these articles feature topics of interest to local birders, written by local birders. The birding articles have been placed online at LasCruces.com. To view a page with a list of the collected articles and their summaries, click here. The page will direct you to online links to those that you might like to read. It is current as of 3/22/2022.
Newsletter 2019

Ray Bowers, Naturalist and photographer of Dona Ana County
Ray Bowers Photo Album (click on link to open in new page)
Ray Bowers Spring Birds (click on link to download as Power Point)