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Nature Journaling

Another way to explore and appreciate nature is through the practice of nature journaling. Nature journaling is the act of observing nature and recording what you see in pictures and words. People have been creating journals to record their observations since the ancient Greeks! 


When you nature journal, you can create sketches of what you see and write about what you notice, what you wonder, and what the thing you've recorded reminds you of. You can sketch a bird and make notes about its behavior or draw a plant and wonder who pollinates it or feeds on it, for example. There are many ways to create a nature journal depending on your style and interests and there's no right or wrong way to do it. The point is to get out into nature and get immersed in it!


To learn more about nature journaling, you can read this article by MVAS President Cheryl Fallstead, who interviewed one of the proponents of the nature journaling movement, John Muir Laws. Another great place to get information is from his website,, or from the website of the foundation he created, the Wild Wonder Foundation. Jack (as he is called) also has created numerous YouTube videos to help people get started and dig deeper into the practice. Here's a link to his "getting started" video for nature journaling beginners.


The MVAS Nature Journaling Group plans to meet monthly at a variety of locations to support each other in the practice. Watch the calendar for updates or ask to be added to the MVAS Nature Journaling Group email list. It helps with planning if you RSVP to if you plan to join us.


Our inaugural meeting is set for Sunday, March 10, 2024, from 10 a.m. until noon at Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park. There is no charge to participate and you don't have to be an MVAS member (although we encourage you to join us!), but there is a $5 per car fee at the park unless you have an NM state parks pass.



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